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Plesk Getting Started


The series of articles below are designed to get you started with the Plesk Control Panel.

Part 1: How to Log In and Preview

This article discusses how to log in to your Plesk Control Panel and provide the URLs to preview your website and access your email.

Part 2: Customer Control Panel Overview

This article gives you a quick introduction to the Plesk Control Panel.

Part 3: How to Create a Service Plan

Service plans represent a particular business offer. The service plan defines the allocation of your resources, such as how much disk space, bandwidth, and other features are offered to your customer. It also indicates whether your customer is a website owner or a reseller of hosting.

Part 4: How to Create and Modify a Subscription

A subscription is an instance of a service plan assigned to a reseller or customer account, much like creating a new cPanel account in WHM and assigning a Package to it. In other words, a subscription is an agreement that allows one to use the resources and services of a service plan in order to run websites and possibly resell them.

Part 5: How to Create User Roles

Plesk gives you the ability to configure how much access you want each type of user to have. This article will show you how to do so.

Part 6: How to Create Email Accounts

This article will walk you through how to create, configure and manage email accounts in Plesk.

Part 7: How to Access Webmail

This article discusses what webmail applications are available in Plesk and how to access them.

Part 8: How to Create and Manage Databases Databases

You will learn the importance of databases and how-tos of creating and managing databases.

Part 9: How to Use the File Manager

This article discusses how you can access, upload, and organize your files inside Plesk's File Manager.

Part 10: How to Set Up FTP

Want to have FTP Access? Here is an article on how to create an FTP user in Plesk.

Part 11: How to Configure DNS Records

DNS records are essential to get you started with your website and emails. This article will walk you through how to view, add, remove and update your DNS records.


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