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How to Log in to cPanel

HostGator made it easier for you to manage your hosting accounts and websites. Once you purchase a hosting plan with HostGator, you'll have access to your control panel and Customer Portal.

If you're looking for a guide on how to log into your Customer Portal, please visit the How to Log in to Customer Portal article.

There are several methods available to log into your cPanel. These methods are discussed in this article. 

Method 1: Launch cPanel via the Customer Portal

The Customer Portal provides many ways for you to access your cPanel without the need for your cPanel username or password. Within the Customer Portal, you can launch your cPanel either through the Hosting tab or the Websites tab.

Via the Hosting tab

The Hosting tab is where you'll find the hosting packages in your account.

  1. Log in to your Customer Portal.
  2. Click Hosting on the left-side menu.

    Customer Portal - Hosting tab

  3. If you have a single hosting package in your account, scroll down to the Quick Links section.

    If you have multiple hosting packages in your account, locate the hosting package you want to manage on the Hosting Packages page, then click its Manage button.

    Hosting Packages - Manage button

  4. Under the Quick Links section, click the cPanel button.

    Quick Links - cPanel


Via the Websites tab

The Websites tab is where you'll find all websites you're hosting in your HostGator account,regardless of what application or CMS (Content Management System) you used to build your website.

  1. Log in to your Customer Portal.
  2. Click Websites on the left-side menu.

    Customer Portal - Websites tab

  3. Under the Websites page, locate the website whose cPanel you want to access, then click its Settings button.

    Customer Portal - Websites tab - Settings button

  4. You'll be redirected to the website's Settings page. You will also find another set of Quick Links under the Overview tab, which are sections in your cPanel.

    Customer Portal - Settings - Overview tab

  5. Click the Advanced tab.

    Customer Portal - Settings - Advanced tab

  6. Under the Advanced tab, you'll see several sections of the cPanel. You can click any of them, so you'll be redirected to that section right away.

    Customer Portal - Settings - Advanced tab - cPanel sections

  7. If you want to be redirected to the cPanel's homepage, scroll down a bit and locate the cPanel card. Click its Manage button.

    Customer Portal - Settings - Advanced tab - cPanel


Method 2: Launch cPanel via URL

You can directly go to your cPanel using your server's IP address, server hostname, or domain name. Regardless, these options will require you to log into cPanel using your cPanel username and password.

Step 1: Get your server information

Option 1: IP Address

You can get your server's IP address either from your Websites tab or Hosting tab

  1. Log in to your Customer Portal.
  2. There are several ways to get your IP address within the Customer Portal.

    Via the Websites tab

    1. Click Websites on the left-side menu.

      Customer Portal - Websites tab

    2. Under the Websites page, locate the website whose cPanel you want to access, then click its Settings button.

      Customer Portal - Websites tab - Settings button

    3. On the next page, click the Settings tab.

      Customer Portal - Settings tab

    4. Under the Settings tab, scroll down to the Name Servers & IP Address section.
    5. Click the View link under IP Address.

      Customer Portal - Settings tab - Name Servers & IP Address

    6. A pop-up will appear, showing you your IP address.

      Name Servers & IP Address - View link

    Via the Hosting tab

    1. Log in to your Customer Portal.
    2. Click Hosting on the left-side menu.

      Hosting tab

    3. If you have a single hosting package in your account, scroll down to the Server Information section.

      If you have multiple hosting packages in your account, locate the hosting package you want to manage on the Hosting Packages page, then click its Manage button.

      Hosting tab - Manage button

    4. On the next page, scroll down to the Server Information section.

      Server Information section

    5. Click the View link to display a pop-up window with the IP address.

      IP Address

Option 2: Server Hostname

For this option, please note that the best place to get the server hostname is from the cPanel itself, as it is not always visible in the Customer Portal. The next time you get access to your cPanel, you may want to get your server hostname so you can use this method the next time you need to log into cPanel via its URL.

Here is how to find your server hostname within cPanel.

  1. In cPanel, look into the General Information section on the right-hand sidebar.
  2. Under General Information, click Server Information.

    cPanel - Server Information

  3. Under the Server Information page, you will find your server name and even your IP address.

    cPanel - Server Information
    (The sample image above shows the server hostname as Server Name "gator123" and IP address as Shared IP Address "192.123.456.789.")


Option 3: Domain name

For this option, your domain name must be connected to your HostGator server. You can do this within your Customer Portal's Domains section. Please visit the How do I change my DNS or Name Servers | Use HostGator name servers article.


Step 2: Access the cPanel URL

In pulling up cPanel using URL, we always recommend using a secure connection, "https:" and the cPanel secure port number, "2083."

In your browser, type:

IP address

Please use the IP address you got from your Customer Portal (as described above). The URL in your browser's address bar should look similar to this:



Server hostname

Please use the server name you got from your cPanel (as described above). You will also need to add "hostgator.com" to the server name to complete the server hostname. The URL in your browser's address bar should look similar to this:



Domain name

Please make sure your domain is pointed to your HostGator server, or else this method will not work. The URL in your browser's address bar should look similar to this:



Step 3: Enter the cPanel username and password

Once you pull up your cPanel using any of the methods described in Step 2, your browser will show the cPanel login page. Enter your cPanel username and password.

cPanel Login Page

cPanel Username

The cPanel username is available in cPanel's General Information section and the Customer Portal's Server Information section.

cPanel - General Information

Within cPanel, look for the Current User in the General Information section located in the right-hand sidebar.

cPanel - Current User
(The sample image above shows the cPanel username as "snappy" under Current User.)


Customer Portal - Server Information

In the Customer Portal, you will find the cPanel username within the Server Information section.

Server Information section

(The sample image above shows the SSH Keys as "snappy@@123.456.789.000" with "snappy" as the cPanel username.)

cPanel Password

You may be prompted to set up or reset your cPanel password if you access your cPanel via the direct URL method. Please visit the following article to learn how to reset your cPanel password.

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