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Uploading Your Web Site - Reseller Startup Guide


Part 5 of 9 of the Reseller Startup Guide

You can begin uploading to your account now by using an FTP Client or cPanel's File Manager.

  • If you are using an FTP client, put in your site's IP address under the "FTP address" field. Use the username and password sent to you in your welcome email. FTP always runs on Port 21.
  • Once your FTP is connected, go into the "public_html" folder and begin uploading your site. To replace the default place holder page, you must upload an index.html in all lowercase lettering or delete the page and replace it with your own index page.
  • Please note that by default, you and your clients do not have an email address setup with HostGator. You will need to configure this yourself in cPanel (see link below).

If starting from scratch: Next Step: Useful Links
If transferring an existing site: Next Step: Change Your DNS

Explanation: If you are transferring a site from an existing host, then it is better to change your DNS AFTER you upload your website. On the other hand, if you are starting from scratch, it is best to change your DNS first, so you don't have to wait as long for propagation.

Reseller Startup Guide
Initial Setup: Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5
Post Setup: Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9


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