How Bloggers Can Defeat Writer’s Block
Writing isn’t simple.
It takes time and involves lots of conscious thinking. And as a blogger, you can feel stuck in a rut. Sometimes you probably get frustrated at the thought of crafting another blog post.
That’s okay. Many bloggers like yourself struggle with writer’s block. Henneke Duistermaat, a copywriter and business writing coach, gives more insight:
'Writing is hard work. There’s no doubt about that. But you can make it even harder by accepting writer’s block. Don’t become a tortured genius. Choose to get on with writing. Experiment. Find out what works for you.'
Ready to face your fears? Here are five ways to overcome writer’s block.
1. Review Your Past Writing Achievements
Bloggers live on the edge of perfection. You want every post to reflect your brand flawlessly-the headline, the images, and the stories.
In the attempt to be perfect, you can easily get trapped in your own mind. Rather than posting your blog post, you may delay the publication date for several weeks.
On top of that, doubt can slowly creep into your soul. You start asking yourself: Is this post good enough? Will readers really enjoy it? Should I start from scratch?
To get out of this slump, it’s important to recall your past writing accomplishments. These accolades showcase how great you truly are.
Awards, certificates, and positive comments are all reminders that you can achieve success. So take a quick inventory of what you’ve achieved within the last few years.
For instance, your blog may have won first place in a competition. That takes hard work and talent. Use that excitement to fuel your next project.
Right now, you may feel unworthy, but you do have what it takes to produce compelling work. And don’t forget to take a step back and be thankful for your current writing journey.
Your blogging matters, and writing is one piece of the puzzle. Move beyond internal conflict by looking at your past success.
2. Practice Free Writing When Possible
When you sit down to write, it can feel like a chore. You’ve got a specific topic and an outline to help guide you. However, this method can restrict your thinking.
Following a strict writing routine can become stifling. You may lose your sense of creativity and possess no desire to write from your imagination.
Give yourself the flexibility to think outside of the box. Free writing is a technique where you write without worrying about the spelling, grammar, or topic.
You’re writing with no fear. And that can be exhilarating!
The aim is to put words on the page. You can come back to correct any mistakes during the editing process. It’s all about releasing your mind from the burden of writing. Jeff Goins, best-selling author of four books, offers his viewpoint:
'Start somewhere, anywhere. Write a few lines. Say anything. And see what happens. Don’t think about it too much or make any fancy announcements. Just write. It doesn’t need to be eloquent or presentable; it just needs to be written.'
Also, switch up your writing utensils. If you usually type, use a pen and paper.
Stop editing while you write. Enjoy the freedom to make errors without judgement.
3. Spark a Conversation With a Friend
Inspiration comes in many different shapes and forms. It’s time to ditch the closed-minded attitude and gather new ways of thinking from external sources.
When you want to boost your writing skills, try talking with a friend or two. Ask them about their day and their thoughts on random subjects.
It’s a chance to travel in someone else’s shoes and learn from their daily experiences. You’ll pick up on what makes them happy and how they solve conflicts. All these intimate details are optimal for knocking down writer’s block.
You also may want to make an effort to watch your favorite television shows. Creativity can flow from simply admiring characters on the screen. Maybe you’ll get inspired to create a suspenseful cliffhanger or build your own content series.
If you’re not a TV fan, read books and articles in different literary genres. Exploring outside of your normal reading habits gives you the courage to do something out of your comfort zone. So instead of writing the same old serious video script, consider publishing a funny vlog.
Pick up a new book or start chatting with a close friend. You can break through writer’s block with the help of another perspective.
4. Eliminate Any and All Distractions
Writing is an art form that needs your undivided attention. Multitasking as you write can destroy your focus and drag you down.
Think about all the distractions that occur while you’re writing. The phone rings and it’s the dentist office reminding you about an upcoming appointment. An email lands in your inbox and your beloved brand gives you a store discount, leading you down a black hole of shopping for two to three hours.
These distractions keep you away from your writing. While you may have bought an awesome new pair of pants, you still haven’t made progress on your blog post.
Before you disconnect from the world, you should assess what time of day works best for you. Uche Ibe, a blogger at We Love Singing, explains:
'One simple way to do this is to try writing at various hours throughout the day, gauge your focus and energy levels, and compare what you wrote. If you find that you struggle to write in the morning, then it’s probably best to make time for writing at night.'
Carve out time in your schedule to write. When you create time blocks, you have room to focus only on writing and nothing else.
From Slack notifications to unexpected errands, it’s difficult to write with constant interruptions. You can make writing a priority with a dedicated schedule.
5. Start Dancing Around Your Room
Physical activity spawns innovation. By moving your body, you open the door to expanding your mental energy. Then, there’s more room for you to write with a clear mind.
Stanford University researchers found that 'study participants who went for walks saw an 81% increase in tests measuring divergent thinking, a thought process associated with creativity in which you generate lots of ideas.' That’s huge for doing something as simple as walking!
Fuel your brain by taking a walk around your block or even jogging for a few minutes at your local park. Not only do you reduce the pressure of having to write, you also add a healthy routine to your lifestyle.
Of course, you probably want to kick it up a notch. So turn up your music and dance in your writing space. No one will judge you.
The objective is to relax and to have fun. By not scrutinizing your every move, you can bring in positivity and combat writer’s block.
Whether you exercise, dance, or just walk, a little movement can go a long way. Blast a few tunes on your iPod and get moving today.
Conquer Writer’s Block
Writing is a mental task that requires hard work. It’s no surprise you may feel depleted and experience writer’s block.
Move past this hurdle by looking back at your past writing achievements for inspiration. Gain a new perspective by calling a friend. And of course, regain your energy with a little movement, like dancing or walking.
Eliminate your fears. You can conquer writer’s block.
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Shayla Price creates and promotes content. She lives at the intersection of digital marketing, technology, and social responsibility. Originally from Louisiana, Shayla champions access to remote work opportunities. Connect with her on Twitter at @shaylaprice.