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What is an Addon Domain?

An addon domain is a fully functional domain that can be created within your control panel. Think of it as having multiple hosting packages sharing the same control panel. You can create email addresses, forwarders, and more — the same way you do for your primary domain. It is an additional registered domain that you can host in the same account as your primary domain. The only difference is that the files share the same control panel and server.

HostGator offers hosting plans that can handle unlimited addon domains except for the Hatchling plan.

An addon domain created in the cPanel will only function if the domain is registered. Our front-of-site https://www.hostgator.com/domains offers many TLDs that you can choose from. Please visit the following article to know how to register a domain name.

Once you have purchased a domain, or if you already own a domain that you would like to host as an addon domain, you can connect your domain to your HostGator server. For instructions on making this change, please check the following article.

How the addon domain appears

For visitors

When incoming traffic visits your addon domain, there should be no evidence that it is an addon domain. The addon domain will act as an independent domain, with no references to the primary domain.

  • yourprimarydomain.com will be separate from youraddondomain.com in the address bar of your visitor's browser.



The addon domain would be associated with the primary domain only by the username. The username usually appears as:

  • addondomain@hgexample.com

How the addon domain works

When creating an addon domain, three things happen:

  • a subdomain is created for the primary domain
  • the new domain name is associated with the subdomain
  • a new directory (or folder) is created for your addon domain

The Document Root field is automatically populated when you create an addon domain in cPanel.

New Domain - Document root field

The document root directories will be displayed in cPanel's Addon Domains section. Unless you edit or change the document root to point to another folder or directory, it will use the directory auto-assigned by the cPanel.

Addon domain in cPanel

This all happens automatically when an addon domain is assigned to an account. There is no need for further action other than uploading content to the addon domain.

Related Articles

Are you looking into adding subdomains to your account? Here are support articles to guide you in creating subdomains.

Need additional assistance? HostGator's Support is here to help. Please contact us via phone or chat so we can assist you!


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