LinkedIn is most commonly known as a social platform for business oriented people, or the kind of people who are looking to explore potential job opportunities. A recent addition to the extensive category of features that LinkedIn offers was the introduction of a long-form content platform that any of the site’s users can use to publish content with. All of the published content through LinkedIn’s platform is then announced to all of the connections you have, making it very appealing towards cultivating leads and business opportunities.
Here are a couple of solid tips and insights on how to become a really good LinkedIn publisher and how to make the most of each content piece that you promote. Please share your own personal tips with us in the comments.
Explore Pulse
The Pulse platform on LinkedIn is where all the content syndication happens. Go straight to the Pulse page and begin exploring the kind of categories and content that is currently trending and begin to brainstorm as to how you could tap into that pool of readers with organic and natural content. Some of the channels, like Social Media and Leadership are home to millions of followers and getting exposed as a featured author in one of these channels could mean a big yield of exposure for you and your business, or whatever else it is that you’re trying to promote.
Create tailored content
Although LinkedIn offers a variety of topics to talk about, most of the jargon is oriented towards business talk, and every day thousands of site users share insightful and compact pieces of content that discuss several areas of business, experience reports, case studies and more. In order to stand out from the crowd, your aim should be to create the kind of content that promotes true insight and creativity, but remains within the bounds of business growth and exposure.
Content optimization
In many ways LinkedIn is not so different from a blogging platform like WordPress. The same content creation and content marketing rules still apply when it comes to the actual process of creating content. With that in mind, we should invest some energy into creating and tailoring catchy and insightful headlines that themselves will attract site users attention, and we should compliment our content with research data in the form of visuals, or if possible video and audio formats. Create each piece of content with the idea in mind that it might get featured on the Pulse platform, and who knows — one day it might.
Ask readers to do something
Being a business network, LinkedIn users tend to finish articles from the start until the end, mostly because you never know what kind of insights you might come across, or what the article/post has to offer that no one else has brought to the table yet. At the end of each post that you publish using LinkedIn — add a call-to-action to either visit your site, to share it on social media, to leave a comment on your post, or to reach out to you in order to get more insights — which is also a way to begin forming relationships in specific ways.