how to create landing page content that actually converts

How To Create Landing Page Content That Actually Converts

Creating a well-optimized landing page for your company website, eCommerce store or blog can be tricky. Depending on your niche and the audience you built up, chances are that your landing page already has a stable design solution.

However, you may find that even if your landing page is functional, it’s still not bringing in enough new conversions. The main reason for a landing page to exist at all is to present your site to would-be customers.

With only a short timeframe available for dazzling each visitor, what are some tips and tricks that can help your landing pages convert more easily?

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1. Limit Distractions

The number one mistake of most websites is that the landing pages rely on a bombardment of information and options. Your landing page is often the first contact your potential customer has with your brand.

Remember that it’s almost impossible to fix bad first impressions, so why squander the opportunity? Create a list of essential information, visual elements and hyperlinks that will go onto your landing page. Every link or piece of information irrelevant to the presentation of your brand and product should be left out.

This is one of the most elemental rules of visual design – the proper use of negative space in web design. The fewer elements you have present, the more attention will go to the ones present.


2. Focus on Benefits, Not Products

Instead of featuring a load of products right there on the landing page, why not go easy on your visitors? Make sure to include the benefits of using your products as the main selling points. Your landing page should convince a user that your brand and services are worth their time and money.

In the words of Jason Chase, head of content writing for TopWritersReview, “The benefits you offer your clients are what separate you from the competition.”

Once you create a need for your products in your visitors’ eyes, it will be easy to convert them into customers and followers.


3. Keep Your CTA Short

Landing pages should feature short-form text that doesn’t take long to read but carries a powerful message. Calls to action (CTAs) can play a huge role in your conversion rates and site performance overall.

Focus on creating short-form content without going into details of why your products are good and what differentiates them from others on the market. Information such as this should be featured on additional pages that are specifically designed to go into details of who you are and what you do.

As for the landing page itself, direct, short-form content with clear messages should always take priority. Even if someone is only remotely interested in your brand and products, they will still manage to read your CTA in a few short seconds. Once they do, it might be too late to turn around and forget your site.


4. Feature Testimonials

Testimonials are considered some of the best conversion rate boosters on the internet. This is because people trust other real-world people more than they trust stock photos with smiling faces. Gone are the days when it was enough to come up with a quote and put it on a staged photograph in order to drive your business forward.

Make sure to ask your customers for a quote and a picture that you can use on your website. If they can get a picture of themselves while using your product, even better. 


5. Use a Friendly Tone

Your audience is human just like you. You should use a casual, friendly tone in addressing them while still maintaining a sense of professionalism. Be respectful in your writing but don’t be afraid to let your guard down and use a small joke or a funny line here and there.

People like coming across websites with quality services that manage to maintain a sense of humor while still delivering on their promise. Your landing page should represent the mentality and mindset of your employees and office culture.

In short, be yourself when creating content for your landing page and don’t try to simply copy what the competition might be doing. What works for one business doesn’t necessarily work for the other – be original and it will come back to you in spades.

If you don’t have in-house content creators, you can refer to a professional writing service for such assistance. Using services such as RewardedEssays, SupremeDissertations, FlashEssay, GetGoodGrade, or HotEssayService will get the job done. Each of these services offers a distinct type of writing depending on individual project needs – make sure to check them out.


6. Use Numbers

Numeric data is always a good selling point to feature on your landing page. No matter what data you include, the fact remains that people like seeing numbers and statistics when browsing the internet.

You can add things such as the percentile of your satisfied customers, the number of products you sold the past week, email subscribers you have on account, etc.

Make sure to use the data that works in your advantage and would likely convince someone to pitch in with your business. Once you establish trust through data, there is very little that can stand in the way of your conversion rates going up.


7. Make It Easy

Lastly, the most important task you have as a website owner is to make the conversion process as easy as possible.

People don’t want to verify their identities two or three times just to create an account on your website. Mistakes such as these can easily be avoided. The same rule applies for purchases, discussion participation and interaction with your content overall.

Make it as easy and obvious as possible to make contact with your brand and products to maximize your conversion rates. You can always refer to web design color theory and create a color pattern that will identify interactive elements from those that are decorative. Find a method that works for your specific niche and stick to it.