Does Your Business Really NEED A Social Media Presence

Social media is one of the most talked about topics in the online world today. Soon we may even have children with social media accounts before they even begin to walk. With all the hoopla around social media and all the social media “experts” telling you which strategy you should employ it can be difficult to make a decision.

After all, social media is a huge investment of time and spending too much time going in the wrong direction can be deadly for your business. In this post we’re going to explore the benefits of social media to see if you even need to be active on social media for your business to succeed.


Understanding The Current Social Media Landscape

Social media seems to have transcended the trend status and all signs are suggesting it’s going to be around for good. The real reason social media gets confusing is because there are so many different channels to be on and be effective on.

The ways of communication across each channel differs greatly, and your core group of customers may not even be using the network that you’re trying to build an audience on.

The landscape is very diverse and requires that you pay attention to the networks you’re using and the reasons you’re using them. If you’re not aware of the time you’re spending chances are you’re going to be wasting it.

However, just because a lot of brands are using social media doesn’t mean it’s right for your business. For starters, if you’re just going to mimic the same strategy that everyone else is, then you’re better off not going on social media in the first place.

Fortune favors the bold and your social media strategy is no different.

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Some Businesses Don’t Need To Use Social Media

Before we continue it’s important to dive into the reason your business might not need a social media strategy. Think of social media as a means to deliver your message. If it doesn’t align with your customer base, then don’t use it.

For instance, if you run a personal sailing school and most of your students tend to live in the local community you might be better off leaving flyers around town, or hanging out at the local docks. Sometimes offline marketing can be better for your specific business.

Social media is a means of marketing for your business, but if the people you’re marketing to don’t hang out there, then it doesn’t make sense being on social media.

However, for the vast majority of businesses who should be considering moving forward with a strategy there are a few things you should take into account.


Constructing An Effective Social Media Strategy

At the heart of any good social media strategy is a good business. If your business doesn’t inspire your customers, or communicate your business in a clear manner, then your social media strategy isn’t going to make your business an overnight success.

Think of social media as an amplifier of your business. So, if you have a captivating business, then executing your social media strategy will be much easier.


1. Maintain Consistency
Think of your business as a friend that you trust. This person is always honest and tries to be as clear as possible, and they do their best to not send you mixed messages.

You want your business to be the same way. When you’re communicating across social media platforms make sure your message and tone stays the same, and make sure you’re always honest and open. That way people are more likely to trust you and be open with you.

2. Speak To Your Market
We alluded to this earlier, but you need to be on the social media platforms where your audience hangs out; that’s the only way to reach them.

On some social media platforms you can be more friendly and down-to-earth, while others are more geared towards business-speak. Make sure you’re in line with the communication standards of the platform, while still being honest with yourself.

3. Be Unique
Face it, no one wants to read a boring post on social media. There’s enough garbage to scroll through most of the time anyways, and you don’t want to continue adding to the noise.

You don’t have to be sensational, but you can be honest and show what makes your business unique from your competitors.


Make sure you emphasize these traits and at the end of the day remember, you’re speaking to humans, so act like it.