Digital Resumes

'Looking for a new job is SO FUN!'

No One Ever

We get it, but as digital experts we’re here to help you discover a few clever ways to make the process easier and dare we say… fun?!

Your end goal, we presume, is to land an awesome job with great benefits and a kickass salary. While there are no guarantees, we can certainly help you on your journey.

Resumes are essential for the majority of job candidates. Why not stand out even more with a website resume?


Your Website = Your Digital Resume

A website or digital resume is a great way to share more of your personality and to show what you have to offer far more than a humdrum piece of resume paper and Times New Roman font.

In the online realm, you have access to color, video, GIFs, and so much more to help you stand out from the crowd of candidates. Most potential employers Google search prospective employees anyway. You may as well give them something to find that shows off your best qualities.

First, get a website. Consider locking down a domain name that is the same as or similar to your name. For example: or or

Keep it simple and straightforward so that your site is easy to find.

Once you’ve got your site ready to go, here are some ways to put it to work for you as you hunt for a new career.

Domain Name


1. Let the people know.

Don’t keep your job-hunting a secret. Let your audience of website-viewers know that you’re searching for a job. Write up a quick blurb or blog post tell your story. Build a resume with your skills and experience, but use the visual perks of site-building. You now have access to fancy colors and fonts, videos, images, and logos — all things that wouldn’t go (or would look weird) on a resume.


2. Make it interactive.

Freelance designer Robby Leonardi’s design portfolio and interactive resume went viral earlier this year. Robby takes his online viewers through a video game scenario in which users scroll their way through his designs, skills, and experience while witnessing first-hand his commitment to his craft.

Digital Resume


3. Show and tell.

Resumes traditionally adhere to a very specific fancy paper format, but keep in mind that technology has updated quite significantly. Most hiring managers first view your resume on a screen, so sharing links to your email address, digital portfolio, and website is the right thing to do. Tell them with your resume, but show them (and show off) your capabilities with a website. Here are some general things to include regardless of your industry:

  • A professional image of yourself on your site helps to humanize your application.
  • Screenshots or icons of work-related or educational awards you’ve received.
  • Images or videos of you at work, giving a presentation, leading a meeting.
  • Pictures from work-related events you’ve attended or helped to organize.
  • Testimonials from colleagues or clients that speak to your stellar work ethic and creativity.
  • Published papers, articles, or press releases that you wrote or that mention you.
  • A bio of your accomplishments.
  • Professional alumni groups to which you belong.
  • Clients you’ve helped — you can include their logos and website as long as you have their permission.
  • Contact information — always make it easy for an employer to get in touch with you.

We do suggest that you tailor your site to your particular industry. If you’re an artist, show your art. If you’re a product developer, show your product.

Do you have a website resume or have you hired anyone who used a website resume? Let us know what’s worked best for you!

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