20 Podcasts Every Internet Entrepreneur Should Be Listening To
It’s back-to-school time and, while you might be past the years of sitting in front of a teacher in class, you’re never too old to keep learning. A good entrepreneur never gets complacent with how much they know now; there’s always more you can learn to do better.
But entrepreneurs are strapped for time. How are you supposed to find time for learning when you’re busy day in and day out running your business? The obvious answer these days is podcasts, which allow you to multitask. You can listen and learn while you’re checking other items off your to-do list.
So the next time you spend an hour on the treadmill or in traffic, give one of these helpful podcasts for online entrepreneurs a try.
1. StartUp
Started by a public radio veteran that branched out into starting his own business., StartUp provides the perfect podcast combination of radio talent and entrepreneurial experience. Alex Blumberg, former host of Planet Money and his co-host Lisa Chow, share stories of the challenges of running a business and cover topics relevant to many entrepreneurs, like pitching investors.
2. Entrepreneur on Fire
Entrepreneur on Fire is an interview podcast. John Lee Dumas interviews a new entrepreneur every day to provide listeners insights and advice that come from a wide variety of experiences.
3. Dorm Room Tycoon
Another interview podcast, Dorm Room Tycoon is focused on startups specifically. Owners of startups talk about lessons they’ve learned along the way and first principles.
4. Your Partner in Success Radio
Your Partner in Success is another interview podcast, this one hosted by Denise Griffitts. She talks to entrepreneurs about any stories, tips, and advice they have for listeners.
5. Social Pros
Social media has become a big part of running a business successfully. Jay Baer and Adam Brown provide real-world examples and behind-the-scenes stories of businesses doing social media successfully.
6. Internet Business Mastery
The Internet Business Mastery podcast is devoted to the subject of how to make money online. Episodes provide actionable tips for starting and running online businesses successfully.
7. Mixergy
The Mixergy podcast is devoted to startup stories that help listeners 'learn from proven entrepreneurs.' They’ve had over 1,000 interviews with startup founders about their successes, their failures, and the knowledge they’ve gained along the way.
8. Brown Ambition
While things are changing little by little, entrepreneurship is still largely white and male. Brown Ambition helps provide knowledge and inspiration to business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs that don’t fit the traditional mold. The podcast is hosted by Mandi Woodruff and Tiffany Aliche and covers a range of topics related to finance and business.
9. Accelerate Your Business Growth
The Accelerate Your Business Growth podcast is a twice monthly show that provides advice and tips to small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.
10. This Old Marketing
This Old Marketing covers all things content marketing, including trends and news to be aware of and historical examples of content marketing done well. Hosted by the Content Marketing Institute’s Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose, it’s one of the most informative podcasts on a topic all online business owners should be learning about.
11. Introvert Entrepreneur
Introverts frequently encounter business advice that doesn’t quite match their skills and personality. The Introvert Entrepreneur podcast with Beth Buelow seeks to correct that with a whole show devoted to business advice for introverts.
12. The Femtrepreneur Show
For budding infopreneurs looking for more knowledge and inspiration, the Femtrepreneur show focuses on how to design and sell online courses. Hosts Mariah Coz and Megan Minns have experience in both the creative and technical sides of online course development and provide plenty of useful information to entrepreneurs looking to take that route.
13. HBR Ideacast
The Harvard Business Review is one of the most important and useful publications for people in the business world. The HBR Ideacast brings that same level of quality to the audio format. The podcast covers topics ranging from business tech, hiring best practices, productivity tips and anything else that might be useful to business owners.
14. Smart Passive Income
If you want to build a business that keeps making money whether or not you’re actively working, then the Smart Passive Income podcast can help you figure out the right products and strategy to make it happen.
15. Profit. Power. Pursuit.
Host Tara Gentile interviews the owners of creative businesses for the Profit.Power.Pursuit podcast. By talking with artists, designers, and photographers that have managed to create a business around their creative skills, the podcast provides useful information for creatives struggling to figure out how to turn their passion into profit.
16. The $100 MBA
Getting an MBA from a university is extremely expensive and time consuming, but you can get some of the same types of lessons from the $100 MBA podcast for free. The podcast answers an array of questions related to running a business and helps fill in a lot of the practical information entrepreneurs need to get a business off the ground.
17. The Entrepreneur’s Radio Show
It’s right there in the name: this podcast is all about and for entrepreneurs. The host Travis Lane Jenkins is a serial entrepreneur who talks to other successful entrepreneurs in order to provide listeners with advice on an array of topics related to running a business.
18. Side Hustle Show
The Side Hustle Show is devoted to covering various ways entrepreneurs can and have made some extra cash. Each show focuses on the stories and experiences of a new entrepreneur who shares what lessons they’ve learned that could be helpful to other entrepreneurs.
19. Beyond the To Do List
Entrepreneurs are often big idea people, but to go from having ideas to executing them requires an entirely different skill set. Beyond the To Do List covers tips and tricks for getting things done. If you’re great with ideas but struggle with execution, this is a good podcast to check out.
20. Ambitious Entrepreneur Show
Annemarie Cross hosts the Ambitious Entrepreneur Show, which tackles a wide range of topics important to entrepreneurs, from cybersecurity to negotiating to social media and beyond. The episodes provide general knowledge that many new entrepreneurs are likely to benefit from.
With podcasts, you have no excuses. You can listen on the go without cutting into your work time and gain some new knowledge to help you run your business better.
Kristen Hicks is an Austin-based freelance content writer and lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn new things. She uses that curiosity, combined with her experience as a freelance business owner, to write about subjects valuable to small business owners on the HostGator blog. You can find her on Twitter at @atxcopywriter.