working night

The phrase 'content is king' has been repeated ad nauseum across the internet ever since Bill Gates first introduced the concept back in 1996. It’s been repeated so many times that the phrase has almost lost its meaning. Sure websites must have content, but how much of the content on the web is useful and/or original? Perhaps Mr. Gates should have said, 'Good content is king.' Good content attracts readers, and prompts them to share it with friends. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a genius scribe to write great content.


1. Write for Your Readers

This might seem obvious, but too often site owners fall into the trap of creating content about what they think they should be addressing. They don’t think about what their intended audience really wants or needs. Think about the typical person who reads your content. What are their pain points? What problems can you help them solve? What information can you bring to them that would make their lives easier?

If you’re ever at a loss as to how to answer these questions, do some research. You can do this in a number of ways, including:

  • Asking your readers what they’d like to see more of

  • Signing up for Google Trends to see what people are buzzing about

  • Visiting Q&A websites like Yahoo Answers to see what people are talking about in particular categories

  • Visiting relevant online forums to see what topics are most popular

  • Performing a keyword search with a tool like SEMrush to see what related keywords are most popular


2. Keep a List of Ideas

Having a running list of blog post ideas is important. Keep a notepad or your phone handy so you can jot ideas down when lightening strikes, and add all of these ideas to a text document on your computer. Don’t be too selective about what you add to the list. Write down anything that comes to you, even if it seems imperfect. Often ideas need some time to marinate before they become something you can use.


3. Spin That Idea

Most blog post and article ideas lend themselves well to multiple pieces of content. Have an article on why saturated fat is bad for you? Why not write it from another angle, like what sources of saturated fat to avoid, or how to cut saturated fat from your kids’ diet? You can also look at the topic from a seemingly opposite stance, like writing on fats that help you lose weight. If you have a 'list style' article on top super foods, highlight each super food in its own separate blog post. When you get an idea for a new topic, spend some time brainstorming different angles.

Better yet, you can repurpose the same content in different formats. A lot of companies use different styles of content to reach different portions of their market. This includes things like, video, blog posts, slideshows, infographics, social media posts, webinars, and even email marketing campaigns.


4. Take Your Time

It’s perfectly understandable that you want to publish that genius blog post now. However, consider the implication of not taking your time to properly craft a blog post: In your hurry, you miss some grammar and spelling mistakes that your spellchecker didn’t catch. You leave out a couple of good points you would have remembered had you not been rushing. You realize you could have used better word choices. You forget to attribute a source, include a link, search for a picture, or add any number of small details that would have made your blog post more polished. Yes, the web moves at a fast pace, but not so fast that you have to sacrifice the quality of your content to keep up.


5. Create Serial Content

This is a great way to go in-depth on a subject without creating content that’s too lengthy. For example, Erin McNeany of the Never Ending Voyage published a very popular three-part blog series entitled, How to Sell Everything You Own. This is a topic that specific groups of people (world travelers) search for often. The series is so popular that it still ranks high in the SERPs, even though it was published in 2010. Think of a daunting problem you could help your readers with, and create serial content that would solve that problem.


6. Invite Guest Bloggers

No blog is an island unto itself, so feel free to invite others in your field to contribute to your blog. An added advantage is that the guest blogger will bring traffic with them if they’re well known enough.


7. Polish Your Skills

Writing is a skill that can always be strengthened. Invest time in improving your writing skills with resources like the Purdue OWL and Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips. Above all, practice, practice, practice. This isn’t just important from a technical standpoint. The more you write, the more you establish your personal voice.

8. Be Consistent

Once you’ve found the style of content your audience loves then you need to deliver on a regular basis. The type of content you’re using will also dictate how frequency you post.

For instance, Twitter updates will happen more frequently than a YouTube video. People also engage across different platforms at different times, so take this into account when developing and executing your content schedule.

9. Share Your Content

Once your content marketing pieces are ready to go, you can’t just post them to your website and hope for the best!  Think about content marketing as you would business networking.  It doesn’t matter how qualified you are or how great the product you’re selling is if you aren’t actively putting yourself in contact with others, you’re unlikely to build any kind of traction.

The same thing goes with content marketing.  For best results, you need to actively seed your social profiles with your best content in order to encourage the person-to-person sharing needed for true inbound marketing.  You need to put your content in front of people and encourage them to share the marketing materials you’ve invested in with others.

It should go without saying that the stronger and more engaged your community is, the more likely it is that your content marketing promotions will be successful.  If you take the time to make yourself present and position yourself as an authority on your industry’s social forums, you’ll see much better results with your campaigns than somebody who pops in, drops a link and doesn’t reappear until there’s another piece of self-promotional content to be shared.


Anyone can create content, but not everyone can create good or even great content. If you can put these guidelines into action, then you’re on your way to creating great content that your website visitors will ultimately value.