So You Want to Start an Online Business
You’ve heard the tales about how much money can be made online, and how it’s just there for the taking. You’ve decided that you want to get a piece of that pie, and who wouldn’t? Humans have always looked for the next big thing that will allow them to advance in their personal lives, giving them the availability of taking more time to do the things that they desire, or the activities that they enjoy.
There are many different concepts that a person thinks of when the image of making money online comes to mind: some think of the crypto-currencies that have been in the news in recent months, others think of the concept of setting up a storefront, while others still think of the various types of online trading that may be done, from penny stocks to the stock market to foreign exchange. The fact of the matter is that if you can dream it, you can do it (as long as it’s not illegal, of course).
Alternatives to the Traditional Online Business
Freelancing – Just because you’ve decided to switch over to making your money online, it doesn’t mean that you have to either start your own company or work for someone else’s company. There’s the option of being an independent agent, either setting up your own website to promote your services, signing up on a website designed to connect freelancers to those looking for freelancing services (careful not all of these are legitimate), or some combination thereof.
Crafts and Other Made Goods Perhaps you really like making something. Whether it’s sitting down after a long day and crocheting blankets as you watch a movie, making jewelry while you wait for the timer to let you know that your meal is done, or perhaps you like to sit in the yard, watching the sun go down, drinking a beer as you whittle animals out of pieces of wood. All of those little things that you’ve been making over the years, the items that are now sitting around your house, or in boxes in the attic or the garage, can be cleaned off and sold online for a pretty penny. You can either make your own site or use one of the many different forms of online medium available to do so.
Services Maybe you have a talent, one that people come to you about all the time, asking for your help in decorating, begging you to help them pick out an outfit, requesting that you tell them how to fix their lawnmower, how to trim their trees, or how to get rid of weeds. Heck, maybe you dabble in graphic design in your spare time or really enjoy correcting people (and you’re telling them constructively and not giving them false corrections). All of these and more may be bartered and traded online. There are those who make their money simply sitting around all day and playing video games, streaming the games they are playing to their audiences; people pay money to watch them play just to have something to do. If you can dream it, chances are, you can do it.
How Do I Get Started? This Sounds Great!
For starters, don’t quit your day job. Though making money online can be far easier than the traditional nine to five, and it does have the benefit of allowing you to do the things that you enjoy as opposed to things that feel like 'work,' remember that it will take work to get you to the point of being able to do the things you love online as your job, thus allowing you to feel as though you won’t be working another day in your life. You’ve got to get out there and make a name for yourself, build up your client base, and promote yourself and your products or services. It can take anywhere from six months to a year, sometimes longer, before you are able to comfortably step back and say that what you do online is what you now do for a living. It’s possible, and it’s worth it, but it’s not an easy path, but nothing worthwhile ever is. Just remember if you can dream it, you can do it and we’ve got the hosting that can help you on your way!
Image Source: (2011). Different. Retrieved from