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IP change - Plesk

How to Assign a Dedicated IP Address to a Customer in Plesk

Warning: If you perform an IP address change, the domain will be down for up to 8 hours while it re-propagates. 
  1. Log in to Plesk Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the Subscriptions tab.

    HostGator Plesk Subscriptions

  3. Click the Domain name that you wish to modify on the left.

    Plesk Domains Page

  4. Click Web Hosting Access.

    Web hosting access

  5. Select the Dedicated IP that will be assigned to your domain.

    Selecting Dedicated IP

  6. Click Apply at the bottom of the page to save the changes.
Note: Plesk will only display the IP addresses assigned to your server that are Dedicated IP addresses that are available and Shared IP addresses.

How to Change A Site’s Default IP Address 

  1. Log in to Plesk Administrator.
  2. Click on Tools & Utilities.

    Plesk Tools and Settings

  3. Click on IP Addresses.

    IP address section

  4. Select the IP address that you wish to modify. 

    Modify an IP address

  5. Enter the IP Address you want to assign.
    Note: Makes sure to leave at least one IP address listed as Shared.
    Set Dedicated IP
    • To make this a dedicated IP make sure to change the IP Address to be distributed as Dedicated.
    • For SSL Certificate leave to default if you haven't already installed an SSL
    • For Default Site: using the pulldown menu choose the domain you want to have to be the default for this IP
    • Click on OK
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