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Missing Sent, Trash, Drafts, Junk, and Other Folders

If your Sent, Trash, Drafts, Junk, and other IMAP folders are missing, subscribe to them again to make them appear.

Choose your mail client from the list below for instructions on how to subscribe to folders:


  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Folders.
  3. Re-subscribe to each folder by clicking the check box next to each one.


For Mac 2011

  1. Click Tools from the app's menu.
  2. Select IMAP Folders.
    Please note that the IMAP Folders option will only appear if you have added an IMAP account.
  3. Under IMAP on the left, click your email account.
    All existing folders in the mail server are displayed here. Subscribed folders are shown in bold text.
  4. Once the email account is selected, choose the preferred action:
    Subscribe - This is to subscribe to a folder.
    Unsubscribe - This is to unsubscribe from a folder.

For Newer Versions of Outlook

  1. In Mail's navigation pane, right-click the top folder of your IMAP account.
  2. Select IMAP Folders.
  3. Click Query.
  4. Select a folder, then click the Subscribe button. (Press and hold the CTRL button if you wish to select multiple folders.)

If you created a new folder on the mail server in another application or through a browser, but the new folder does not appear in the IMAP Folders dialog box, you may need to update the folder list. Please follow these steps:

  1. In Mail's navigation pane, right-click the top folder of your IMAP account.
  2. Click Update Folder List.
  3. Select Subscribe.

For Older Versions of Outlook

  • To display all IMAP folders to subscribe to:
  1. In Mail's navigation pane, click a folder under your IMAP account.
  2. Click IMAP Folders in the Tools menu.
  3. Click Query.
  • To display all available IMAP folders in Outlook's Navigation Pane:
  1. In Mail's navigation pane, click a folder under your IMAP account.
  2. On the Tools menu, hover over Send/Receive, then click Update Folder List.

iPhone, iPod Touch

If you sync IMAP mail account settings from your computer to your iPhone or iPod touch, the IMAP folders may show under your Inbox folder. In this case, you need to specify the IMAP path prefix.

  1. You can enter the IMAP path prefix by navigating to the Settings icon.
  2. Tap on Mail.
  3. Select Account, then clicks on the Advanced tab, and select IMAP Path Prefix on the options provided.
  4. Enter the word INBOX (all caps).
  5. Click Save.

Windows Mail

  1. Click IMAP Folders.
  2. In the Show/Hide IMAP Folders dialog box, select a folder.
  3. To view the folder and download its contents, click Show.
    • To hide the folder and prevent its contents from downloading, click Hide.

Windows Live Mail

For IMAP to work correctly with Windows Live Mail, the settings are by default set not to assign mail folders correctly. You will need to create a path for the folders under the IMAP tab on Account Properties.

  1. Open Windows Live Mail.
  2. Click Tools, then select Accounts from the menu bar.
  3. In the Accounts window, select the account you wish to configure.
  4. Click Properties.
  5. In the IMAP tab, look for the Root folder path.
  6. Enter Inbox in the Root folder path field.
  7. Ensure that the boxes for Check new messages in all folders and Store special folders on the IMAP server are checked. The path for these folders are:
    • Inbox: Inbox
    • Drafts Path: Drafts
    • Junk Path: Junk
    • Deleted Items Path: Trash
    • Sent Items Path: Sent
      Please note that the values for Sent, Drafts, and Trash are case-sensitive. Make sure to enter them exactly, as shown above.
  8. Click OK to save the changes.

If the paths are set up accordingly, the other alternative is to delete the mail account within Windows Live Mail and recreate the email account from scratch. The removal of the email account will not affect your emails on the server.


  1. In the Folder pane, look for IMAP mail, then right-click.
  2. Go to Settings, click on Server Settings, then select Advanced.
  3. Remove the checkmark on Show only Subscribed folders.
  4. Click OK.
  5. You can check to see if you can Subscribe to more folders.

Mac OS X Mail Client

  1. Go to Mail, click on Preferences, then select Accounts.
  2. Select your email account and click the Advanced tab.
  3. Check the box next to Automatically synchronize changed mailboxes.
  4. Close the Preferences panel and click save.
  5. Restart the entire mail program.
  6. If your folders are still not showing:
    • Go to the View menu and select Show Mailboxes.
    • Now click the expand arrow (triangle) on the left of your email name to reveal your IMAP folders.


  1. Select your account in the left margin to view its available IMAP folders.
  2. On the toolbar, click the Update List button.
  3. From the View menu, make sure there is no checkmark next to Subscribed Only. If there is, click on it once to uncheck it.

Microsoft Outlook Express

  1. Under Folders on the left side of the screen, select the inbox for your email (NOT the one under Local Folders).
  2. Click the Tools menu, then select IMAP Folders.
  3. Select the desired folders.
  4. Click Show. Folders will appear next to selected folders.
  5. Click OK.


  1. From Eudora's Window menu, select Mailboxes.
  2. Click the expand arrow (triangle) on the left of your email name to reveal the available IMAP folders.
  3. Click on the icon at the bottom right of the mailbox list and select Refresh Mailbox List from the menu.
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