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How to Use the Support Portal

Our Support Portal has several features designed to make it possible to find the help you need and even find resources to accomplish everything you need. This guide will provide information and tips about all the methods for using the Support Portal.

With HostGator's Support Portal, https://www.hostgator.com/help, you can type in whatever topic you need help with. As you type, you may see some results below the search field. You may click one of the suggestions, or you may finish typing and then hit enter.

HostGator Search Portal

Search Tips

  • Use correct spelling for more accurate results.
  • Use the most relevant words. Common words like "the" or "and" will be ignored.
  • The search is NOT case-sensitive.
  • Words with less than 3 alpha-numeric characters are always ignored.

Advanced Tips

  • By placing quotation marks around a set of words, you are telling the search tool to consider the exact words in that exact order without any change.
  • Attaching a minus sign (-) immediately before a word indicates that you do not want pages that contain this word to appear in your results. The minus sign should appear immediately before the word and should be preceded by a space. (Without the preceding blank space, the minus sign will be treated as a hyphen.)
  • Attaching a plus sign (+) immediately before a word indicates that you only want pages that contain this word to appear in your results. The plus sign should appear immediately before the word (without any space between the plus and the keyword).

Search Examples

To get better search results, try using quotes, plus signs, and minus signs to modify your search.

Example Search Term: getting started guide
When you search the knowledge base, by default, it tries to find any article with any of the words you specified, excluding common words like "getting." This means that if you search for getting started guide, the search will return articles with the word "started" and articles with the word "guide." This includes articles that only have the word "started" and articles that only have the word "guide" but not necessarily both "starting" and "guide."
Example Search Term: "getting started"
If you want an article with the words "getting started" next to each other, you should put quotes around it like this: "getting started"
This will only find articles with the words "getting started" next to each other. Even though "getting" is considered a common word, when placed in quotes, it is included as part of the query.
Example Search Term: +getting +started +guide
But what if you want to find articles with both the words "started" and "guide" but not necessarily next to each other? There is a way to do that. Simply put a plus sign in front of the required words like +started +guide, and only articles with both words "starting" and "guide" will show up in the results. The word "getting" is ignored since it is a common word.
Example Search Term: getting started -guide
You can also exclude words by using a minus sign in front of the word you want to exclude. In this example, you can put -guide to omit any results with the word "guide" in it. The word "getting" is automatically excluded because it is a common word.


Browse by Topic

If you want to view a list of all topics related to the software or issue you're interested in, you may want to browse by topic by selecting from a list of categories on the right-hand side of the page.

HostGator Search Portal - Browser by Topic

After selecting the filter(s) on the right-hand side, you will see the related articles directly associated with the filter you selected.

HostGator Search Portal - Browser by Topic - Search results


If you have already found a helpful article and want to see more related articles, you can use the breadcrumbs to browse the categories the article is attached to. It is more like a navigation menu as inspired by the fairy tale, Hansel and Gretel.

HostGator Search Portal - Breadcrumbs


A Copy Link button was created so you can easily "copy and paste and share" the article links.

HostGator Search Portal - Copy Link

HostGator Search Portal - Link Copied


Social Media Links

Social media icons are available on the article page, so you can easily share the articles across various social media platforms.

HostGator Search Portal - Social Media Links


Helpful Resources

The Helpful Resources section of our support portal provides a list of links to forms for purchasing account addons, a link to your Customer Portal, our blog, forums where you can get personalized help and responses to any questions you may have, video tutorials, and even assistance with contacting us directly. You may see this in an article as a separate section at the bottom, usually with a header, Frequently Asked Questions, Related Topics, or Related Articles.

HostGator- Search Portal - Helpful Resources

If you have questions or problems specific to your account, or if you need more assistance than the knowledge base can offer, please contact us via phone or chat for immediate help.
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