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Customer Portal - How to Manage the Coming Soon Page

The Customer Portal has a functionality that allows you to display a temporary landing page on your WordPress website while you are building it or making updates behind the scenes. You can now put up a Coming Soon page on your WordPress site using the Coming Soon Page feature of the Customer Portal.

How to Enable or Disable the Coming Soon Page

The Coming Soon Page functionality is only available for WordPress installs at HostGator.

To enable or disable the Customer Portal Coming Soon Page:

  1. Log in to your Customer Portal.
  2. Click Hosting in the left-hand side menu.

    Customer Portal - Hosting tab

    • If you have a single hosting package in your account, you'll be redirected right away to the website management page.
    • If you have multiple hosting packages in your account, locate the hosting plan where your website is being hosted, and then click its Manage button.

      Hosting tab - Manage button

  3. Locate your website name and then click its Settings button.

    Settings button

  4. On the website management page, click the Settings tab.

    Settings tab

  5. Scroll down and locate the Coming Soon Page section.
  6. Use the toggle bar to enable or disable the Coming Soon Page functionality.
    • If the toggle bar is blue, the Coming Soon Page is enabled.

      Customer Portal - Hosting tab

    • If the toggle bar is grayed out, the Coming Soon Page is disabled.

      Customer Portal - Hosting tab

  7. A notification prompt will pop up, showing whether the Coming Soon Page functionality is on or off.


    Customer Portal - Hosting tab


    Customer Portal - Hosting tab

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