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American Red Cross Month

Tour du RougeHostGator is proud to sponsor the American Red Cross 2014 Tour du Rouge! For the 5th year, HostGator will be presenting and participating in the Tour du Rouge, a 536 mile bike ride from Houston to New Orleans, benefiting the Gulf Coast chapters of the American Red Cross.

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In celebration of Red Cross Month, on March 25th, 2014, HostGator will be offering all web hosting for 50% off with domains starting at $4.00/year. During this promotion, $1 of every account purchased will be donated to the American Red Cross.

For additional details, please see our Sale FAQ.

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On their way to the Big Easy!

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2011 participants, ready for five days on the road.

This promotion is applicable only to new hosting package orders and cannot be applied to renewals of current hosting packages. Existing hosting packages cannot be cancelled and transferred to a new package in order to receive the promotion. If this occurs, you will be billed retroactively for the discounted amount.
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